Friday, December 5, 2008
आज के सिटी भास्कर में आपकी रिपोर्ट जागो भारत जागो पढ़कर अच्छा लगा. यह खुशी की बात है दूसरे हादसों की तरह इस बार लोग चुप नही बैठे हैं और अपने कर्तव्यों को भूल. नही रहे हैं.
आतंकवाद, महँगाई, भ्रष्टाचार, आदि देशव्यापी मुद्दे हैं और इनका समाधान हमारी राजनीति और शासन-प्रणाली में गंभीर सुधारों के द्वारा ही सम्भव है. पर इन सबसे ऊपर है भारत का एक एकजुट राष्ट्र के रूप में किसी भी चुनौती का सामना करना. ऐसा हमने कई बार देखा है कि किसी भी मुद्दे पर भारत का एक सधा और सटीक जवाब नही होता. मेरा मानना है कि इसकी जड़ों में क्षेत्रवाद ही है.
सभी के मौलिक अधिकारों का आदर करते हुए मैं यह कहना चाहता हूँ कि क्षेत्रीय और स्थानीय दल इस संकट कि घड़ी में हम सभी के गुस्से को बिखराने का काम करेंगे और अंततः नतीजा सिफर होगा. साथ ही यह कहना भी ज़रूरी है कि एस.एम्.एस संदेश और मोमबत्तियों कि लौ से हम अपने आपको धोखा दे रहे है क्योंकि कोई भी राजनैतिक दल इस तरीके से सुधारों के लिए बाध्य नही होगा. आख़िर में हम हिंदूवादी पार्टियों को चुनकर अपने आक्रोश को ख़त्म कर देंगे. पर नतीजा वही रहेगा ढाक के तीन पात.
इसी परिपेक्ष में मैं आपका ध्यान जागो पार्टी कि तरफ़ दिलाना चाहता हूँ. जागो पार्टी का गठन इस वर्ष के जनवरी माह में इस सोच के साथ हुआ कि हमारा देश सही नेतृत्व के अभाव में धीरे-धीरे ख़त्म होता जा रहा है. नेताओं के नाम पर चोर-डकैत-बलात्कारी और हत्यारे हमारी संसद और विधायिका में आ गए हैं. भ्रष्टाचार के कारण आम आदमी का जीना दिन पर दिन मुहाल होता जा रहा है. उद्यम को कुचलकर, लोगों को लूटकर चैन कि नींद सोया जा रहा है. आरक्षण और धर्म के नाम पर हमारे देश को तोडा जा रहा है. देश का क्या होगा, हमारी आने वाली पीढियों का क्या होगा इस सवाल को लेकर कुछ गैर-राजनैतिक भारतीयों ने एक दल शुरू किया जो आज एक आन्दोलन में तब्दील हो गया है.
दुःख की बात यह है की मध्य प्रदेश और खासतौर पर भोपाल में इसके बारे में बिल्कुल जागरूकता नही है. मुंबई पर हुए आतंकी हमले ने मेरे जैसे कईयों की अंतर्मन को झकझोरा है. समय आ चुका है कि हम नेताओं और राजनैतिक दलों को दोष देना बंद करें और कुछ कर के दिखाएँ. विरोध कि छोटी छोटी नदियाँ न बनकर हमें एक विशाल सागर बनना होगा तभी हम सही तौर पर भारत का निर्माण एक नए राष्ट्र के रूप में कर पाएंगे.
जो युवा स्वच्छ और ईमानदार राजनीति से भारत कि सेवा करना चाहते हैं और देश में सार्थक बदलाव लाना चाहते वो जागो पार्टी से जुडें.
१. वेबसाइट पर
२. आर्कुट पर Jago Party Bhopal Chapter और Jago Party खोजें.
३. ईमेल पर
भोपाल कि जनता को इस जानकारी से अवगत कराने के लिए और राष्ट्र निर्माण में भोपाल की भूमिका सुनिश्चित करने के लिए अग्रिम धन्यवाद.
प्रच्छन्न विरोध.
We all know that India submitted a list of 20 most wanted criminals and terrorists to Pakistan which was rejected by Pakistan, with excuse of executing these criminals in PAKI courts. What we all don’t know is what went behind the closed doors of diplomatic affairs. Here is a part of the meetings.
Indian High-Commissioner to
ZARDARI: Oh, Hello! Well I am sorry to inform you that your list cannot be executed by us.
HCP: May I know the reasons.
ZARDARI: (becomes angry) You people haven’t done your homework and you come seeking our help. You don’t even know about our country, our people but you don’t seem to know much about me.
HCP: (confused) I still don’t get your point. Sir.
ZARDARI: We have problem with the number of people
HCP: So we must increase or decrease the number of people?
ZARDARI: What is this? I have never been humiliated like this in my entire life. You are HCP and you don’t know my lucky number?
HCP: Sorry Sir.
ZARDARI: Take this down in writing so that you can use it in future. My lucky number is 10 (TEN). I am the baap of all the Das-nambaris in the world. People in
HCP: Yes. S. . . .
Well I am talking of Chhota Patil i.e. R.R. Patil. Because of his height he sometimes starts believing that he is Shahrukh Khan. Well not your fault totally Mr. Patil. But you must remember that leisure activities are strict no-no in workplace. You forgot that you are not sitting in front of Kajol but media that eventually erected the set of your Tyaagpatra.
Well you can now practice your lines in leisure. Why don’t you contact Mr. Deshmukh, he can fix a role for you in Ramu’s film.
I retorted that Mr. Deshmukh is factually correct, they both were playing roles in a secret Ram-Lila, in which he was Das-mukh or Das-aanan or Ravan and Ram(u) came following him. Ram(u) had to destroy Vilas-yukt Das-mukh, which he did too, although symbolically by taking his post of CM.
Achuthyanandan Speak:
Here is the edited part: . . . being home of a martyr a number of people visited the home. A lame dog got interested as he might get some food. Uncle shooed him out, but he started barking. People thought it is a rabid dog and has gone mad, so they hit him in the back with a steel-tipped lathi. He quickly ran away. If it would have not run away people were prepared to go for the final kill.
Stop Piracy. Why?
Piracy is stealing; it kills the industry associated with it. But it poses a greater threat, most of the pirated music and film business runs from Pakistan. Their websites as well as people earn money that belongs both legally and ethically with Indian Music and Film Industry.
But our industry is also at fault, they don’t listen to what the people are saying. Can you compete with a Free of Cost Download or a Cheap DVD by calling it illegal? No. The problem is first you yourself steal tunes, stories, etc. from somewhere else without paying royalty. Then you hide the actual cost of making the movie/album and financial sources thereof. Adding to that, you fail to understand the Demand and Supply.
Most trade analyst agree that the Film Industry now runs on the first three days. Why can’t you release the DVD or telecast it online or put it up on Movie On Demand channels of various DTH that are available on the fourth day. Plus the price of many DVDs is still prohibitive. You don’t give the customer a choice and call his actions flawed. Make the services available and people will turn to you. Nobody likes to steal, with proper awareness campaign more and more people will join in.
Similar is the case of Music Industry. The Technology has all changed but even before that people preferred Top 10 or Double albums than whole album. It is fooling yourself to say each and every album has all 8-10 songs perfect and likeable. Often there are only a couple of songs people want from your album nobody has the time or patience to analyze your album. Whatever pleases the person is in rest all is out. Coming to technology people now are keeping their songs on ipods, computers and mobile phones. The game of Tapes and CDs is gone. The Music Industry should start selling music online, that too individual song not the complete album (they can even have special offers for complete albums) at right cost. Start doing this and see people coming to you automatically.
What have they to loose. Music Albums and movies are made available for downloads the same day what do you gain from it? The person or rather country that gains from our efforts is Pakistan. THINK AGAIN !
I am child of a corrupt person. Now what?
You are responsible for your acts and not others’. Hindu mythology has a number of stories that deal with the issue. A solution was seen recently seen in the movie Rang De Basanti. Nobody is asking you to kill your parents, but try not to use the money or try to do some good work with it rather than conspicuously consuming it on yourself. Try to explain to them that you don’t need that much money.
Also remember they have lived their lives based on their principles, we can never understand the conditions they grew with. But we are responsible for our future and the coming generations, do you want your child ponder over this question, ASK AGAIN.
America is Unreliable. Why?
Whatever people claim, the reality is that USA funded Al Qaida and Taliban which turned into a menace. Even now, in lieu of the Pakistan’s support of War on Terror they are giving away million of dollars. Will they disclose the accounts that show what is happening to that money. Even the Iraq War started with the issue of WMD but it was part of their Oil Diplomacy.
War with Pakistan: Not now. Why?
First, proof is not out there. Then, as we are facing, Pakistan could also have disconnect between the government and the citizens. Even if we consider Pakistan guilty of the attack, we must also consider the scale of operation. They might have researched a number of loopholes in our system, bought off a couple of officers, consider the aftermath of attacking them. The whole world will laugh at us, let us first clean our house then take on the external enemies.
Politics is the field of scoundrels. Not correct.
The onus is on us to break this code.
Information Technology can change our politics. How?
First, you are reading this blog so its impact and reach can’t be doubted. Then the advertising cost can be severely cut through it. It can also help bringing in transparency as every step of politics and governance can be debated and discussed on it. Even the choice of candidate can be made on it.
Nobody has tried or proved it cannot be done, so we can try it. Remember, the smallest action is much better than the noblest intention.
A Faceless Party. Why?
The whole sub-continent is suffering from the problem of Family-based parties. Rather than focusing on What one has currently done, emotive statements are made of sacrifices made in distant past. Moreover, sacrifice is made voluntarily; nobody pushes one to it. If people want to show their respect they will. What kind of person are you if you sell the sacrifices of your near and dear ones. (N.B. Mark the difference between the People and the Government, their roles are different in such cases).
A Faceless Party is one where any ordinary citizen can become an MLA/MP based on his qualities and qualifications, not by serving the narrow self-interests of an individual or a group of individuals.
As the people are faceless so should be their party.
Narendra Modi style of leadership will do no good. Why?
It is based on fear. He instills confidence because all other leaders are simply non-leaders. It’s like ‘Andhon me kana Raja’.
Fear feeds on fear. Everyday new stories will be floated about some sleeper cells, bombs will be discovered, rights and freedom will slowly be usurped by the State. A kind of dictatorship will run with our permission. It is not imagination this has happened everywhere in world even think for a second what happened in Gujarat.
Before criticizing me think if you wish to visit the Ram Mandir (if ever built because the issue dies with its construction) in Ayodhya. I don’t.
Politicians’ passing the buck to Bureaucracy and Police is unacceptable. Why?
SMSing and Candle Vigils are good only for TV cameras. Why?
As the candle will burn out, so will your patience. Your whole effort and emotion will get wasted without making any worthwhile change in the polity. For TV channels too, some other issue will crop up. Kindly note that I was myself in front row to sms my views but this time I thought of becoming active, taking things in my hand.
To make a dent in politicians’ contempt of citizens (along with the bureaucrats’/policemen’s arrogance) we have to hit at their weakest point POLITICS. Join Politics, take active interest in it or be prepared for worst.
I want give a simple example: everyone wishes to build a house for himself, the property is registered, so government is the one you will turn to in case of a dispute, what if the records don’t name you as owner. (From the hindi movie Khosla Ka Ghosla). Your money is of no use in a FAILED STATE.
Corruption: an easy Model.

I think that about 15-20 percent of the officials are perfectly honest, about 30-35 percent absolutely (and compulsively) corrupt and the rest 50 percent form the marginal category.
The marginal category has both kinds of people: one who can be honest (provided the leadership and laws are perfect) and others who aspire to be Billionaires (at the cost of . . .).
Now the solution is simple. Identify and execute the compulsive corrupts (This of course have to start from judiciary and police). For the marginal corrupts aspiring to be compulsive corrupts create a ministry called the Ministry of the Corrupt, Under-Performers and Responsibility-Shirkers (MOCUPARS). Transfer the dead weight to this ministry, advertise their posting here, give them work similar to jail inmates (Constitutionally and Legally they cannot refuse work) and telecast it on MOCUPARS Channel.
This exercise should be done fairly, not like that is practiced today where honest ‘hard to crack nuts’ are targeted while those guilty walk free.
I think this model can be applied to society as a whole, where a majority of people sit at the margins to make a fast buck but if properly motivated they can be good and honest citizens.
What is the most basic problem of our political system?
People have no say in the selection as well as rejection of candidates. Candidates are selected on the basis of their winning potential not what’s their background, experience and training. Also there is the Cash for Ticket policy.
Much has been debated on the demerits of ‘First Past The Post’ system, when only 50-60 percent voting takes place, the winning candidate does not represent more than 15-20 percent of the population, even when 70+ percent of them don’t want him.
Democracy is good for us. Why?

Answer this question: Do you think that a person from slum is inferior to you. We all are prejudiced to some extent or more, so don’t be ashamed. Our political parties feeding our prejudices and mindsets take it to another level. But consider him inferior or a monster, you can’t change the reality.
Only in two places, Man is equal to Man, either in front of God or in Democracy. The value of your vote is equal to the value of his vote.
The time has come to treat each other with dignity and respect and leave the feudalistic mindset behind.
- Electricity/Power Crisis in MP: A result of Faulty Policies & Failed Governance.
- Farmer's Suicide in Bhopal and Us.
- Animal Adoption Scheme of Van Vihar, Bhopal.
- Guwahati Blast and Political Rhetoric.
- 'Pay-to-Play !', The Blagojevich Corruption Scandal: My views.
- A "NETA" is born: Truth about BSP's Candidate for Bhopal and Mayawati brand of Politics.
- Thanking Bhopal's Bloggers for participating in Symposium.
- Project Black Cat for NSG.
- Terror-Diversity in India
- Secret Messages sent to Terrorists & Pakistan by our Politicians.
- More thinking on Mumbai Attack, The 2001 Parliament Attack, My Viewpoint.
- Severely Retarded: Comment on our Intelligence Agencies.
- Some Questions for you: after the railway paper leak.
- Bhopal's Bloggers on the Mumbai Terror Attack.
- Lashkar-e-Toiba doing Charity in Pakistan: Links in India.
- See the video and read the text you will certainly awaken.
- Shivraj Singh Chauhan's Balancing Act, Politics Exposed yet again.
- Aamir Khan & Shahrukh Khan exploiting public anger for publicity.
- My Article on: Nandan Nilekani's Article Where was the Mayor?
- My Comment on: Salman Khan worrying about terrorism in Pakistan.
- My Comment on: Shahrukh Khan's Datuk title from Malaysia.
- More thinking on Communism, Capitalism and Corruption.
- Thinking Straight about Politics: Comment on India's Innovations Bureaucrat-Politicians & Politician-Bureaucrats
- Don't fear harsh methods, why see yourself at the receiving end.
- Democracy is good for us. Why?
- The most basic problem of our political system
- A Faceless Party. Why?
- SMSing and Candle-Light Vigils are not useful for changing our system.
- Narendra Modi style of leadership will do no good for us.
- Corruption: an easy Model.
- I am child of a corrupt person. Now what?
- No shying away from Politics from now on.
- Politics is the field of scoundrels. Let's Change it.
- Information Technology can change our systems.
- Politicians’ passing the buck is unacceptable.