We are resilient by Force, not by Choice - A Wednesday.

Monday, December 29, 2008

A Vote of Thanks: Jago Bhopal Blogger Symposium 2008

Thank you all for making this event the most successful one I have ever organized in my life. You will laugh at this statement but this is the truth.

These four responses to my words from people I don't even know, I haven't even met, are more precious to me than those from people I know. It fills you with pride that such people are there in our society who are ready to listen to strangers, it fills you with responsibility that people are listening to you, watching you, talking to you.

Since this was an unadvertised (and random) event by an unknown representative of an unknown party , I was hoping for just one response this year to continue this mission, but got four instead. Apart from the above, it also signifies that how grim the situation is, how fed people are with the system, how they are willing to change it, even run it. It hurts all of us that our country is not going in the right direction and we are unable to do anything about it. As said in 'A Wednesday', we are a part of this rot not by choice but by force.

I want to stress again the point that this problem stemmed from democracy and democracy alone can solve it. The secret ballot is the most powerful weapon in this war, nobody can tell whom have you voted, that's a power par excellence.

The main problem today however is the Crisis of Leadership, we don't have right people at the right places, I think most our problems will be solved if we can ensure this. For this people, the common citizens have to come forward to contest elections and participate actively in our polity. Nobody has probed the pulse of the citizens, Jago Party can and should be that platform, why should people be afraid or ashamed of doing something right.

The job that requires the least qualifications but has maximum impact on our lives has no takers of good people, why do we fear this job, we just have to order the bureaucracy and the government machinery that people want this get this done. They have to do it, its their job to do it and the job of people's representatives is to ensure and supervise this work and change the leaders of the teams if found inefficient. Is it a very hard job? Why don't people come forward to accept this simple fact and their responsibilities?

These four people are thus worthy of respect and a hearty thanks, because they came forward when nobody else did.

Leaving you with this video hoping that you may awaken (pay attention to what Gehlot has to say):

Do you remember the lines,
Shame on you if you fool me once,
Shame on me if you fool me twice!

Keep thinking over these lines, think about what's going wrong,

Jai Hind.

Latent Dissent.

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