The reelection of Shivraj Singh Chauhan and Raman Singh doesn’t come as a surprise to me. The reason is very simple, just recall the definition of positive numbers you will know it. The (so-called) Social Engineer of MP, previous CM, Mr. Digvijay Singh and his government left the state’s development hovering positively on the negative side. This was when MP and Chhattisgarh were one state.
I also remember the advertising campaign of BJP when they demanded ‘hissab’ from the Congress party for what they have done in past 50 years; the congress could not cite any positive contributions. They chose not to answer BJP and took the line of development in the nation under the leadership of Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi, but for that too they cited statistics from various government reports that are too boring to read and comprehend, e.g. the UPA government’s aid to MP increased from Rs. 300 crores in 2003-04 to Rs. 2200 crore in 2007-08. What should we make of this statement?
To put it simply, it was evident from the beginning that Congress is not at all serious about these elections, so voters (I for one) stopped paying attention to what they have to say. From this we can conclude that a similar line of advertising will be done by the BJP in the Lok Sabha Elections where OFFENCE WILL BE THE BEST FORM OF DEFENCE.