We are resilient by Force, not by Choice - A Wednesday.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

अब गुंडे-बदमाश हमें बताएंगे, हम जिंदा कब कहलाएंगे !


मन तो कह रहा है पंगा मत लो, होगा तो कुछ नही, गुंडों की हिट-लिस्ट में आ जाओगे. घर पर, घरवालों पर या फ़िर दोस्तों पर हमला हो जाएगा या ख़ुद पिट जाओगे और कोई पूछने वाला तक नही होगा.

पर अब ओखली में सर दे ही दिया तो मूसल से क्या डरना.

बात एक 'युवा नेता' की है जो विधायक बनकर देश की जनता खासतौर पर भोपाल की जनता की सेवा करना चाहते हैं. हाल ही में संपन्न हुए विधान सभा चुनाव में ये प्रत्याशी थे और इस वजह से इनके चीखने-चिल्लाने (भाषण) को सुनने का सौभाग्य हमें भी प्राप्त हुआ. हालाँकि ये चुनाव हार गए पर अपने बाहुबल की एक झलक ज़रूर दिखला गए. अब शायद विचार लोक सभा का चुनाव लड़ने का है इसलिए शहीदों की कुर्बानियां और बेगुनाहों की मौतें की इनको याद आ रही हैं.

जैसा की मैं पहले बता चुका हूँ कि मैं पुलिस और नेताओं से सौ हाथ कि दूरी बनाकर रहता हूँ और जिस सड़क पर ये चल रहे होते हैं वहाँ से तो मैं निकलता तक नही, तो इन महाशय के बारे में मैं सिर्फ़ सुनी-सुनाई और पढ़ी-पढ़ाई बातें कर सकता हूँ.

इनके विषय में मैंने पहली बार कक्षा ११ वी में सुना, लोग बताते थे कि इंजीनियरिंग कालेजों के अगर कोई बेताज बादशाह हैं तो ये हैं, पढ़ाई से कोई लेना देना नही, कई बार फेल हो चुके, गुंडागर्दी और मारपीट में अव्वल, कई बार बलवा करवा चुके, कई बार बाजारों पर हमला करवा चुके और कई बार ज़मानत पर छूट चुके, इनके जानने पहचानने वालों में कई नेता, अफसर, पुलिसवाले और इन्ही की बिरादरी वाले (गुंडे-बदमाश) हैं. भोपाल के किसी भी इंजीनियरिंग कालेज में अगर कुछ 'काम' हो तो इनकी शरण में जाएँ.

मुझे तो इनकी सेवाओं की कभी ज़रूरत नही पड़ी और भगवान का शुक्र है इनका और मेरा आमना सामना भी कभी नही हुआ. अलबत्ता जो मित्र इनके गुणगान करते थे उनको ज़रूर चिढा दिया जाता था की एक चार फुटिया तुमको हमसे कैसे बचाएगा.

धीरे धीरे या फ़िर बहुत तेजी से समय बीता और पता चला की महाशय ने दो/तीन(?) इंजीनियरिंग कालेज खोल लिए हैं और साथ ही साथ एक कंस्ट्रक्शन कंपनी भी खोल दी है. खेल तो तभी समझ आ गया, बंदा कांट्रेक्टर बन गया, अब बनेगा नेता. राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान (एम.ऐ.एन.आई.टी.) में इन्होने संस्थान के कुछ भ्रष्ट लोगों के साथ मिलकर घोटालों की झडी लगा दी. (बात करोड़ों रुपयों के हेर-फेर की है, खैर. )

और इन घोटालों से जो पैसा मिला उससे उतर गए चुनावों में. चुनावों में भी इन्होने कोई कसर नही छोड़ी, खूब शराब बंटवाई, हजारों रूपए बांटे, झुग्गी बस्तियों के अनेकानेक दौरे किए, 'माताओं-बहनों' के बेटे बने, 'पिताओं(?)-भाइयों' का आशीर्वाद प्राप्त किया, लाला बस्ती (कायस्थों) से इन्होने जाति के आधार पर वोट मांगे, और आखिरकार दूसरे स्थान तक पहुँच ही गए.

आज इन्होने हमें बताया की हमें नववर्ष कैसे मनाना चाहिए, हमें पहली जनवरी २००९ को आतंकवाद और अपराध विरोध दिवस के रूप में मनाना चाहिए और मुंबई से मिले हुए घावों को हरा रखना चाहिए. हमें यह साबित करना चाहिए की हम जिंदा हैं!

क्या हम जिंदा हैं? अगर हम जिंदा होते तो क्या इन जैसे गुंडे-बदमाश हमें यह पट्टी पढ़ा रहे होते, अगर हम जिंदा होते तो क्या दैनिक भास्कर जैसे प्रतिष्ठित अखबार से इस तरह के हैवानियत भरे इश्तेहार छापने का हिसाब नही मांगते, अगर हम जिंदा होते तो क्या इस कार्यक्रम के 'सफल आयोजन' और 'सरकार के प्रति जन-आक्रोश' (०२/०१/२००९ के दैनिक भास्कर में पढ़ लीजिएगा यही छपेगा) का पर्दाफाश नही करते?

अगर हम जिंदा होते. . .

काश हम जिंदा होते. . .

[अधिक जानकारी के लिए कृपया इस वेबसाइट पर जाएँ: SAVE MANIT.]

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

pl dont waste time..

This is what Shehlaji’s second email said, and in the first one she was (I think) angry with me for organizing an event randomly. Now I know why, she runs an event management company and my behaviour was like an insult to her profession, no proper planning, no advertising, just doing what you please to do, a highly undemocratic act. I apologize for this but the intention was to do something good.

But a question bothered me for the whole week. I was wondering why she responded when she could have ignored me, I was thinking what ‘pl dont waste time..’ meant, was it a warning to stop bothering her or was it an advise to stay out of the mess. Thinking this I visited her blog yesterday where I found these articles, (I am linking these articles without her permission):

1. Wake up ! thinking Indians.

2. My witness is the empty sky.

3. Justice required Madam President.

A corrupt bureaucrat is trying to ruin her business because she refused to pay him bribe. She has complained to various authorities even The President of India but to no avail. (I think.) I am too afraid to ask her about it, I know I can’t help her, she will be hurt more if I asked her about it.

I won’t bother her but won’t accept her advice too (of not wasting my time on this); I will keep trying, keep spreading the word that we need to change the system, that’s the least I can do for my country.

Latent Dissent.

Housekeeping: An Open letter to the Party President.

This is about The Jodhpur Rally held on 29th October 2008. To me the behaviour displayed by the Party members is irresponsible and unacceptable.

1. Use of Plaques on vehicles showing status (in red circle), how can we fight the people whom we are aping, this is happening before elections what will happen after it. To me the person is extremely hungry of power not reforms and awareness. (could have written VOTE FOR JAGO/ JOIN JAGO instead of mantri so and so, if you expect leniency from me.)

2. If you can see in the extreme left, triple riding on a motorcycle, what are we trying to tell to people, if you join us you can break the rules, risk your life along with others. Even if we find a law obsolete, we must respect and obey it till it is changed. (I don't know about the helmet law in Rajasthan so not commenting on it. )

Sir please make sure that such irresponsible and careless behaviour does not happen in the coming days. Even though smallest action is better than noblest intention, the intention is most important part of an act!
Latent Dissent.

[P.S. This is personal opinion about the event, please don't confuse it with the party's stance.]

Monday, December 29, 2008

A Vote of Thanks: Jago Bhopal Blogger Symposium 2008

Thank you all for making this event the most successful one I have ever organized in my life. You will laugh at this statement but this is the truth.

These four responses to my words from people I don't even know, I haven't even met, are more precious to me than those from people I know. It fills you with pride that such people are there in our society who are ready to listen to strangers, it fills you with responsibility that people are listening to you, watching you, talking to you.

Since this was an unadvertised (and random) event by an unknown representative of an unknown party , I was hoping for just one response this year to continue this mission, but got four instead. Apart from the above, it also signifies that how grim the situation is, how fed people are with the system, how they are willing to change it, even run it. It hurts all of us that our country is not going in the right direction and we are unable to do anything about it. As said in 'A Wednesday', we are a part of this rot not by choice but by force.

I want to stress again the point that this problem stemmed from democracy and democracy alone can solve it. The secret ballot is the most powerful weapon in this war, nobody can tell whom have you voted, that's a power par excellence.

The main problem today however is the Crisis of Leadership, we don't have right people at the right places, I think most our problems will be solved if we can ensure this. For this people, the common citizens have to come forward to contest elections and participate actively in our polity. Nobody has probed the pulse of the citizens, Jago Party can and should be that platform, why should people be afraid or ashamed of doing something right.

The job that requires the least qualifications but has maximum impact on our lives has no takers of good people, why do we fear this job, we just have to order the bureaucracy and the government machinery that people want this get this done. They have to do it, its their job to do it and the job of people's representatives is to ensure and supervise this work and change the leaders of the teams if found inefficient. Is it a very hard job? Why don't people come forward to accept this simple fact and their responsibilities?

These four people are thus worthy of respect and a hearty thanks, because they came forward when nobody else did.

Leaving you with this video hoping that you may awaken (pay attention to what Gehlot has to say):

Do you remember the lines,
Shame on you if you fool me once,
Shame on me if you fool me twice!

Keep thinking over these lines, think about what's going wrong,

Jai Hind.

Latent Dissent.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Remembering Allama Iqbal:

For the past many days I have been thinking about Iqbal's two famous quotes,
one being:
Kuch baat hai ki hasti mit-tee nahi hamari,
Sadiyon se raha hai dushman daure-zaman hamara.

And then,
Vatan ki fikr kar naadaan museebat aane wali hai,
Teri barbadiyo ke mashwure hain aasmano me,
Na samjhoge to mit jaaoge aye hindostan walon,
Tumhari dastaan bhi naa hogi dastaano me.

I can't solve this dilemma, if our existence can't be erased easily why should we worry, right from Vedic age people came to India, some settled here and enriched it in someway or other. Even those who went back, they too enriched India. Our cultural continuity is intact while all other ancient civilizations are now a part of history. Or is this plain myth created by scholars.

I am no expert in history but as far as I know stiff resistance and use of force have never been a part of our history barring a few exceptions. What we had in plenty was infighting and small kingdoms, all over the country.

When a poet like Iqbal says 'Watan ki fikr kar naadaan' what does it signify, we by default neglect/ignore our nation and nationality, or we simply don't care about it (use of the word 'fikr'), we are so engrossed in our daily lives that a detached perspective is impossible for us. Did it emerge from the frustration and anger of being unable to eliminate the inaction and indifference from fellow citizens. What was it that made him write this?

Is it not something that I can identify with, a part of me says nothing will change, go back enjoy your life but the other part says have patience God takes tests before granting wishes.

Whatever it is, I can't get past this dilemma, which statement is correct or which one carries more weight if both are true.

Am I fooling myself. . . .

I just recalled this point, Even (if I remember correctly) Gandhiji too criticized this independent nature of the little republics (our villages) being a hurdle to socio-religious reforms.

Are we still living in these little republics or have we made the big republic called India by merging these.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Should we start a Project Black Cat on the lines of Project Tiger?

(On NSG & CISF Commandos.)

Well I am talking about the NSG (National Security Guard) Commandos, popularly known as Black Cat Commandos. The NSG was setup specifically for Anti-Terror and Anti-Hijack Operations. But (I think) as a hijack or a terrorist attack is a rare event slowly they were deployed as bodyguards of the politicians. Taking a cue from this all those who had the right approach and influence started keeping either commandos or police or even homeguard jawans as bodyguards and escorts. Security became Status Symbol and the work to convert Cats into Dogs begins.

It should not come as a surprise that a particular commando is guarding a particular politician for a very long time. However even under the garb of Status Symbol what politicians can’t risk is their lives, having learnt the lesson from Indira Gandhi’s Assassination. They might have ‘befriended’ a couple of commandos and thus can’t let them go easily. (I have noticed the security personnel serve tea/water to Uma Bharti, carry files and bags of Sonia Gandhi, open doors of car for Mayawati, etc. am I a Sexist, I don't think so) This is in context of the news article, No takers for Israel-trained CISF commandos, CISF men guard our Space Centers, Atomic Power Plants, Airports, etc. but the politicians won’t trust them with their lives. (What if one commando sees their corrupt life and decides to end it, this I imagine, why waste your life saving a rat that is eating into country’s resources.)

Now what should we do to free the NSG commandos from these politicians, start a Project Black Cat on the lines of Project Tiger, for the politicians won’t let go the commandos so easily. You might think why so much fuss about a hundred commandos so kindly glance through the following data: (or read the complete article here.)

1. The NSG has two wings - the Special Action Group (SAG) the Special Rangers Group (SRG), comprising select men from various forces. More than half of SRG personnel are deployed for VIP security.

2. There are around 400 guarded VIPs in the national capital alone. Around 15,000 Delhi Police personnel out of its strength of 60,000 guard the VIPs, who include ministers, politicians, bureaucrats, judges, religious leaders, lawyers and a few journalists.

3. This (1 and 2) is in addition to the Special Protection Group (SPG) that is exclusively meant for providing security to the prime minister, former prime ministers and members of the Gandhi family.

4. Over 45,000 policemen guard over 13,000 VIPs across the country.

5. There is an estimate that approximately Rs.6 billion of taxpayers' money is spent annually on the salary of the security staff involved in such duties.

Hope that you get the idea of the ‘GOLMAAL’ going inside our country. Who are they afraid of, us, or their rivals, who are rats like them, goons and criminals, why would anybody kill his god, or are they afraid of themselves, their own deeds, so as to deviate from reality by creating a world of their own where they can say, do and justify all their acts, a stage where they write the story, where they are the actors and where they are the audience.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Terror-Diversity in India

(A Comment on the ongoing War On Terror in India.)

Many of us either knowingly or out of ignorance neglect the variety of terrorism in India. Like our diversity, terrorism in India is also very varied. Lets start with the question What is Terrorism. It is the use of terror for attaining some predetermined goals. The important terms here are Terror and Goals. And when we have decided to fight terrorism we must fight its all 'strains' rather than just one.

My list of terrorist organizations includes the following:

1. The Police and The Bureaucracy: I, as a common man, am very terrified by the police. I keep a hundred-hands distance from these people, I don’t fear the bureaucracy that much because [Read 5.]

2. The Politicians: This is another group that I fear a lot, because they have four hands instead of two, two their own, and one of police and the other of criminals and goons. I change my road if they are traveling on the same and make sure that I never fall in their line of sight.

3. The ‘Bahubalis’, The Mafia Dons and Criminals: The Bahulbali is a sub-category of the Politician category, they are usually found in the states of UP, Bihar and Jharkhand. But as their achievements and glory is spreading a whole new generation of such politicians is coming up in all parts of the country. The Mafia (although groups exist in each state) is most visible in Mumbai and Goa. The petty criminals have impacted my life most. I fear theft, robbery, loot, chain-snatch each day I step out of my house.

4. The former Rajas, Maharajas, Zamindars and Tallukdars: yet another category of the Politicians, they morphed into politicians after independence and abolition of privy purses, and since then they are ‘SERVING’ the nation and its people.

5. The Contractors, Agents and the Dalaals: this is the second largest category of terrorists in India, they deal in everything for a commission, be it a kid, a labour, girls/ women for prostitution , a kidney, a defence deal, share market fraud, hawala, roads, bridges, coffins, railways, arms, ammunition, drugs, religion, tax, passport, license, ration card, they deal in everything. Individually they are nothing but their collective efforts seem to be SELLING OUR COUNTRY FOR A SMALL COMMISSION.

6. The Hindutva forces: they want political power in the garb of religion, now they are terrorizing other communities after they have successfully done so they will come for us. They indirectly help in making terrorism a bigger problem as their acts and words fuel the terrorist organizations here and in Pakistan. They can’t end Terrorism because they are based on Terror.

7. The Regional forces: the Shivsena and Maharashtra Navnirman Sena are the current examples, Khalistan, Kashmir, the North-eastern states, all are examples of such regional forces pulling in different directions and to disintegrate India.

8. The Imported Terrorist: the least damaging yet the most discussed and highlighted, what they do is kill a hundred or so people and die. People go crazy over them ignoring the fact that many of commuters of Mumbai Local die silently by falling from the trains or have their limbs chopped off, people travel like animals in these trains even when pages of Railway Time Tables are filled with trains to and from Bihar, they breathe poisoned-polluted air, get stuck in traffic jams, drink polluted water, get run over by drunk drivers, etc. Talking of rural India, you again can list more than a hundred problems and how they are killing our people.
These people come and show us the mirror of the dirt and loopholes we have created in our system and we get angry over them. We just want to fight them. But I am Sorry to say you can't fight them alone, you have to fight all of the above and following to really fight them.

9. The Homegrown Terrorist: when extremist people from a majority attack a minority they forget (or rather knowingly?) that extremism is also present on the other side. Some of the emotionally wounded, betrayed and frustrated retaliate and the cycle starts. Society keeps a nab on extremism by fair-play and justice, when these two go extremism comes forward.

10. The People’s fighters or the Naxals: the terrorists with leftist leanings, they are fighting for the poor and the tribals and want to bring a revolution. Currently their struggle is aimed at SEZs and corporatization of agricultural land. If anyone tries to make people aware, they quickly get rid of him, because they run a parallel government in many areas of the country, what is popularly known as The Red Corridor and they can't risk its existence.

11. The Forward Caste Groups: the Ranvir Sena and similar groups organized in the states of UP, Bihar and Jharkhand, by the landlords and forward castes to scare away naxals, they are more involved in torturing and terrorising innocent people mostly dalits. Their most damaging impact is the loss of credibility of the State and its institutions.

12. The Urban-terrorist-in-training: A new breed of terrorist, a generation born after each attack or major incident. These are people like me who have started learning and fighting all these above groups. We will be deemed terrorist by these people in the coming days, first we will be attacked so that we are taught a lesson and then we will be killed by them for not changing our ways.

13. The Dormant Citizens of India: this is the largest category of terrorists I think, when somebody hurts them they try to take revenge individually but not collectively. They sit and wait till something wrong happens to them rather than actively work to prevent it.
They silently see the oppression and the exploitation, some even contribute (behti ganga main haath dho lain), they indifferently watch the rot spread everywhere in the system. If someone wants to do something good they won’t support him, they can bear and adjust with all the failings and shortcomings of India, as a nation and We The People, as the citizens of this country by ranting and chanting BAD LUCK, NOTHING WILL CHANGE, NO ONE CAN CHANGE IT.

To conclude, It is very easy to point fingers at Pakistan, because by doing so we can rid ourselves of the real issues and the real WAR ON TERROR that needs to be fought in our country. If we are to really fight Terrorism, we must fight it in entirety not focusing on one aspect of it while closing our eyes on all others. Those who came and killed have nothing to do with the reasons behind the attack. (it can be anything, a conspiracy of ISI and Pakistan, a conspiracy of CIA and America, a conspiracy of China with Pakistan, a conspiracy of our government to divert attention from all other issues, a conspiracy of BJP for Lok Sabha Elections, anything. I should write about it in detail.)

Remember the biggest terrorist attack in world's history was not on the TWIN TOWERS but on the cities of HIROSHIMA and NAGASAKI.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

More thinking on Communism, Capitalism and Corruption



Buddy don’t get so charged up. No ideology is inherently bad, what people do with it make it good or bad. You say that Communists are corrupt, I don’t agree. I want to give two examples.

The first example is from our country, you might know about the Bhopal Gas Tragedy, the Union Carbide and now the Dow Chemicals don’t want to own the responsibility of the Gas Disaster. Both are from the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Our governments were also at fault but the issue could have been handled ethically by these companies. So, even though Capitalism brings money, power, development and innovation, it does not guarantee ethical behaviour and a greed and pollution-free world.

Coming over to more contemporary issues, What US is doing right now by granting bailout packages to its companies through taxpayers' money, it is following the SOCIALIST ideology. If it were true MARKET ECONOMY it would not have done that and let the (knowingly) erring CEOs kicked out of the system and allowed the economy to repair itself. Don’t you think this will also increase government’s interference in the US economy and this will provide role model to all other countries of the world. (remember package announced a few days back)

CORRUPTION exists everywhere and in many forms, the extent of it in a country makes it a problem or not. It is not that Communists are Corrupt and Capitalists are not. A CORRUPT PERSON HAS NO IDEOLOGY APART FROM GREED AND SELFISHNESS.

Adding to that I want to say that if somebody is not forcing an ideology on you, you must also do the same and uphold the real values of Democracy.

As for the reforms agenda of our country, I think we have tried to find the solutions for our problems all over the world for these sixty-seventy years, copied something from here, something from there, it's high time we introspect and devise new and local solutions and ideas too, rather than just following ('copying') other's examples.



Latent Dissent.

[THE ORIGINAL COMMENT -Posted By Anshuman Arun On 24-12-2008

The United States is an economic powerhouse of the world because it doesn't have CORRUPT COMMUNISTS here. Similarly, India can be the most powerful nation on the earth if we can push a joint effort to scare away all the communists from India.]

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Clip showing: Daler Mehndi singing Jaago India !

“I have filed a criminal case against Daler as the lyrics of his song ‘Jaago India’ sounds demotivating and is in bad taste. The lyrics of his song abuse people of the country, which is completely objectionable and is not in the interest of the nation,” Kunjaraman told IANS here Wednesday.

“I decided to file a case against the singer and take it further for the interest of the people,” Kunjaraman added.(READ FULL STORY HERE)

'Prabhu' Kunjaraman people in many districts of my state Madhya Pradesh are dying of hunger, my own city is facing water shortages but bore wells are being dug every minute, your activism is desperately needed here, let them sing a song and do the ding-dong, LETS SOLVE THE REAL ISSUES!



Lyrics (of Jaago India sung by Daler Mehndi for the album Mission Shanti):

Tum saare sote raho, Maarne wale maar rahe hain,

Tum 'saale'/saare sote raho, Maarne wale maar rahe hain,

Tum 'saalon'/saaron rote raho, Maarne wale maar rahe hain,

Tum 'saalon'/sab rote raho, Maarne wale maar rahe hain,

ae.. Jaago ae.. Jaago ae.. Jaago India.

ae.. Jaago ae.. Jaago ae.. Jaago India.

Mazhab nahi...

Tum sab lut-tay raho, lootne wale loot rahe hain,

Tum sab lut-tay raho, lootne wale loot rahe hain,

Tum sab pit-tay raho, peetne wale peet rahe hain,

Tum sab pit-tay raho, peetne wale peet rahe hain,

Allah te...

ae.. Jaago ae.. Jaago ae.. Jaago India.

ae.. Jaago ae.. Jaago ae.. Jaago India.

Sare jahan se achcha...

‘Ek Aur Manjunath !’ (PWD Engineer murdered by an MLA in UP)

[26/12/2008: I just found out on NDTV that Mr. Gupta was an honest officer and he was being pressured to join the illegal activities of the contractors, other engineers and the MLA. So, the article and its title already are useless, but I am not deleting it because it was my first impression of the incident. If some more information comes out in the future I can add it here. Sorry All of You, Sorry Mr. Gupta.]


I was surfing the channels on TV when I noticed the title ‘Ek Aur Manjunath’ on Aaj Tak (desh ka sarvashrestha news channel), I went red with anger, this kind of cheap sensationalization of news has increased manifolds since the Mumbai Attack.

They report no background information of the case and for what he was murdered and they want to equate him with Manjunath. Watching ‘news’ has become a painful experience these days.

Well the case (as I found out here) is, Mr. Gupta was beaten to death by the BSP MLA Shekhar Tiwari and his associates for not giving donations for Behen Mayawati’s Birthday Bash. Mr. Gupta’s contribution came around Rupees Ten Lakh and the total amount to be collected for the birthday celebrations is about Rupees One Thousand Crore.(Arch rival politicians tend to speak truth against one another.)

First things first, was Mr. Gupta a corrupt person, because nobody will ask that much money from an honest (and therefore poor) person. We can’t compare this case with Manjunath’s who stood firmly against corruption.

The second thing is this might be start of yet another trend in Indian Politics if the MLA is not punished with a heavy hand. For till now we have seen politicians seeking donations only during elections, but donations for birthdays, anniversaries, etc. and collection with such rigour ( it is plain extortion and murder to me) will certainly attract eyes of our politicians.

It has not started in Madhya Pradesh but glimpses of such criminal behaviour were seen in Professor Sabharwal’s Death/Murder case. Hooliganism, Chain-Snatching, Loots (one happened two days back, in broad daylight) are all on the rise in Bhopal, you can imagine the condition of ‘law & order’ in the inner areas.

The question is will the justice be done, but justice to whom. What if he was a corrupt man, what about the faulty roads, bridges, etc. that he constructed and passed as OK in his lifetime? Yesterday, 10 people died in Ashoknagar just because of negligence of MP State Electricity Board (who didn’t attend to the complaint in time, remember movie APARICHIT ) and the Bus Conductor (who allowed gas cylinders on the bus, allowed overloading), but who allowed the level of road to be increased without necessary precautions, is it also not an important question.

Isn’t the whole system at rot, rather than being at the top or bottom. Nobody makes a fuss about these lives, they are born like animals, and they die like one.

We all know most of the politicians are themselves or have their relatives as contractors, it is the taxpayers’ money that feeds these monsters, yet nobody wants to own the responsibility to clean the system. When asked to reform the system, join politics to clean it of such dirty elements, most people shut themselves.

We deserve it, this is the outcome of our karmas (or lack of it) and we have to bear with it. As for the media, if everything is rotting in this country, why make a fuss about the foul smell coming from media. Everything is going as per plan Kalki Avataar will come save us all very soon, lets contribute to the rot so that it happens soon. Our slogan from now on is:



Tuesday, December 23, 2008

He Isn't The Stupid Common Man. . .

He isn't the common man because he is not adjusting to the situation, he is not getting used to the situation. He is doing the pest control himself, he simply isn't the common man.


From the Land of Bureaucrat-Politicians and Politician-Bureaucrats

I was reading through people’s queries on Jago website and the most common questions were related to its policies: Can it be done, how would you do it, etc. I have written about it many times (see here or here) but a new insight made me write this.

The question of implementation of promises and proposals is a crucial one for every concerned citizen but asking right questions at the right time is equally important. (I’ve got stuck in questions after the Where’s the Question article)

What has happened is the faulty functioning of our politicians for past many decades have changed our definition of a politician, we now see him as a bureaucrat-politician, one who does transfers and posting right from bottom to the top, who personally ‘delves’ in the matters of day to day administration and is remotely concerned with policies and agenda. After every election we see a series of transfers, cancellation of transfers, re-transfers, continue for many days.

Given such kind of functioning our bureaucrats have also turned the traditional definition of a bureaucrat upside down, they don’t hesitate to meddle in politics, many are directly involved in electioneering for their political bosses, they have turned into Politician-Bureaucrat. Any Politician-Bureaucrat is a darling for our politicians, who chase him till he does not join anyone of them.

This has made us ask administrative questions from politicians and political questions from bureaucrats. Ask a party why did you not do this work instead of asking how you failed to do it, Say I will vote for you once, you have to make sure all that you've said is done in 5 years otherwise I'll kick you out.

I tried to make a list of how a system should function , so that we can understand the difference between a politician and a bureaucrat.

1. The Political Party & The Politicians: a group of citizens who come together based on their belief in similar ideas and solutions. It contests elections, if comes to power makes the policy decisions (based on its manifesto and ideology), selects the leaders (not the whole bureaucratic team) for its implementation and supervises the work.

2. The People: decide what the direction of the nation should be through the elections. They are the real owners of the agenda of the political party they have voted in and they make sure that it’s implemented by the party by the fear of getting voted out in next elections.

3. The Government & The Bureaucracy: It is the tool, the instrument, the machinery that does the work assigned to it by the elected leadership, it does the all work, what it should do is decided by the political party in power, who is elected (decided) by the people based on the proposals and promises of the party.

The Conclusion is: (To Reiterate) The Bureaucracy does all the work, The Work is decided by the government which is a part of Political Party that gets voted in by the people. The People decide which Party gets their votes by the party’s agenda and manifesto.

Then the natural question is why people criticize the policies and proposals of a political party even when they can simply ignore it by not voting for it. The best explanation for it to me is that people feel somewhat connected to the party and its proposals, they try to test the resolve of the people behind it, they want to see are these people plain opportunists or persons of altogether different mettle.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Jago Party Bhopal Chapter (Inaugural) Blogger Symposium (2008) NOTICE

Feel for the nation,

Mumbai Attack hurt you,

Want to write about it,

Want to have your say in the Symposium,

Want to make your voice heard,

Go Ahead!

Write an article on any one of the following topics:

1. India of My Dreams.

2. Is Jago Party a better option than other political parties of India.

Just remember these simple entry rules:

1. Publish the entry on your blog and mail it to latent.dissent@gmail.com or pos

t the link on the symposium notice form on jagobhopal.blogspot.com

2. Send the entry directly to latent.dissent@gmail.com or jagobhopal@gmail.com along with your name.

3. The date of entry is from 22 december to 28 december 2008.


1. Vidhu.
2. Aadya.
3. Uday Kant Dixit.
4. Gurleen Kaur.
5. Ashish Menon.
6. Shehla Masood.
7. Rajey Sha.
8. Renu Sharma.
9. Amitabh Farogh.
10. S M Shukla.
11. Chaitanya Chandan.
12. D K Sachdeva.
13. R D Saxena.
14. Gaurav Bhatnagar. (Sorry buddy misspelled in the message!)
15. Proloy Bagchi.
16. Sharat Rajmohan Verma.
17. Ritesh Agrawal.

This is not an exhaustive list of the bloggers who have written on Mumbai Terror Attack, I know I might have missed many of you and your ideas, so kindly accept this as a personal invitation for participating in the Symposium.

Latent Dissent (who is Waiting for True Indians).


Sunday, December 21, 2008

Parliament Attack 2001, Mumbai Attack 2008 and Me !

For the past many days I have been thinking about the 2001 Parliament Attack, today I thought of sharing my views with you.

Starting from the start, Even in 2001, my view was that the brave policemen should not have done their duties, let a dozen of MPs die so that politicians get a sense of reality, I knew or rather we all knew their relatives will suffer, and it happened and is going on. Is it that people shout unnecessarily against government or the government doesn’t do anything for them, Afzal Guru’s example can be used for showing government’s outlook in the matter.

Coming to 2008, the Mumbai Attack never came as a surprise, we all knew it is going to happen, we imagined BLASTS but they used guns this time as they used in 2001. I asked myself, why common people rather than high profile politicians then it came to my mind, in the Parliament Attack the terrorists were five in number and were able to kill seven, mostly policemen or lower staff. This was a failure on large scale for them, first because of the extent of damage and people’s response (I see myself here for I am always ready to spare a dozen of politicians’ life, they deserve it.)

This time they attacked people and not high profile politicians because they knew the people are not bothered by politicians’ death, even more why kill a person who is helping in one’s mission, don’t we all know what our politicians are doing. I can cite personal examples other than that of my social circle and what I have read and saw, for it but I think it isn’t required. (I don't want to rant that the terrorists are cowards, lets fix a day and place and have a war like older days, etc. When time comes it will all be seen.)

But the question is what do they gain from these attacks, they can’t subvert us by these tactics rather they bring us together and closer, they instill motivation in us to eliminate them, what makes them believe that we are cowards, we will never step on the line of fire for our nation, what’s missing in us that makes them believe this.

Is it not our indifference to people like Bal and Raj Thackray,

Is it not our indifference to our surroundings,

Is it not our support of Narendra Modi brand of leadership,

Is it not our support of Lalu Prasad Yadav brand of leadership,

Is it now our ignorance of our fellow citizens’ problems,

Is it not our indifference to Riots,

Is it not our indifference to people dying of hunger and diseases,

Is it not our disregard of fellow citizens when we fail to speak for them,

Is it not the number of NGOs in this country that do what the government has to do,

Is it not the our silence on killings of people like Satyendra Dubey,

Is it not our outlook of life where our pleasures matter even if they cost others pain,

Is it not our belief that nothing can be changed in this country,

Is it not our disrespect to people like Gandhi, Netaji Bose, Swami Vivekanand whose vision and ideas we have burnt in their funeral pyres,

Is it not our lack of will to cleanse our system,

Is it not our apathy to the victims of various crimes,

Is it. . . .

Sorry, the list seem endless.

The second aspect of this is if the politicians can plan and organize riots systematically, why can’t they explode a couple of bombs or pay for a couple of young boys to attack us.

I am genuinely skeptic about this, I wanted to write this point in detail later but, take for example the US War on Terror, Saddam Hussein was captured with ease but the Osama Bin Laden is still not captured. Can’t it be America’s ploy of having a permanent base in Pakistan and Afganistan to guard against Communist states Russia and China. Couldn’t they have paid Al Qaida for the Twin Tower Attack, like they paid them to fight USSR. You may call me paranoid but what can I do if such thoughts come to my mind.

What I can promise to do is to change myself, try my best out to reform the system, I would write about it here, in my blog.

(Swami Vivekanand once said Life's a battle, Let me die fighting, but a non-entity like me have small issues to deal with. My problem is the weight of the guilt that comes from my inaction and indifference , I can't carry it to my deathbed.)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Cabinet is Balanced ! (Shivraj Singh, MP's Chief Minister)

[PHOTO: Everything is balanced and under control.]

“The cabinet is balanced. It has been formed keeping in mind the regional balance and caste equations. Efforts have been made to give representation to all the regions and castes in the state,”
- Madhya Pradesh's Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan. [READ FULL STORY HERE]

See I have no problems with how these politicians balance their seats and power, I have a problem with the way it has been made essential part of our polity where even a single politician may hold the government at ransom claiming to be of a particular region or caste. And they claim to work for eliminating casteism and regionalism from our polity. This will never be done, never by these people, what they will do till their deaths is to hollow and divide this country so that we are again captured by some foreign powers. Remember not a large army was needed to subvert India in the past be it the Plunderers or the Traders. It is not impossible that one day Pakistan will be ruling India.

Have people voted you for caste and regional issues Mr. Chauhan, where's the development card you were playing before elections. I have said in my article on MP's election results that your real test will be held in 2013, not in 2008. Till then balance your 'kursis', 'gaddis' and 'satta'. By the way, for your kind information, your predecessor Mr. Digvijay Singh, whom you call Mr. Bantadhaar, also tried this kind of social engineering and see where he has been exiled to, hope you learn from his mistakes too.

For all my friends I want to say see for yourself how the tone, language and vocabulary of politicians change after elections.

"This is the victory of the BJP and its government's policies specially the welfare measures taken by the ruling party for the people of the state. It is a victory of 6.5 crore people of the state," jubilant Chouhan accompanied by the party's national general secretary and state incharge Anant Kumar told reporters at his official residence." [READ FULL ARTICLE HERE]


United For Terror:

[N.B.: The person who has written this text seems to be mentally deranged, kindly read with caution!]

OK the Mumbai attacks have at least brought unity in our country’s political parties both seem to be United FOR Terror, each issuing a new message to terrorists and Pakistan with each passing day. Here is a small compilation of these statements in form of open one-sided contract:

  1. The UPA led by Congress:

    1. Terrorists may attack at will, we will ensure that all our administrative and intelligence machinery will sleep, to allow them safe passage.

    1. Pakistan’s foreign ministry need not worry, we will ourselves create rift between the Hindu and Muslim communities, so that our citizens may not ask hard questions from you.

    1. We promise that the changes in our administrative system will be cursory, the depths where the real rot is will be left untouched.

    1. We are a secular party but behind the doors we believe in the concept of ‘Transmigration of Souls’ (mentioned in Gita) and we have applied it in real life. Our Real Life Gods, our leaders ensure that whoever loses his seat is fixed at a new place (seat) as soon as possible. The Transmigration is based on loyalty to ‘The Family’.

  1. The NDA led by BJP:

    1. Attacks would not be tolerated especially if they are on politicians, but we promise to fulfill all the demands in cases of kidnapping and abduction.

    1. Pakistan’s foreign ministry must be prepared for some random acts like we will fight while having summits, shout ‘Hot Pursuits’ and ‘Aar Paar Ki Ladaayi’ but sit over our arses, so that the confusion persist for long and we can take any stand depending on the situation.

    1. We promise far reaching changes, we will make stringent laws but won’t change the system so that we can use them for our benefit, we will further polarize and crystallize prejudices against Muslims in Hindus. We will ensure the adrenaline rush so that half of people die of heart attack and the rest fighting in riots.

    1. As you know our party is based on Hindu ideology, our leaders ride ‘Rathas’ (Chariots), we firmly believe in the concept of Transmigration of Souls and Seats. The Transmigration is based on person’s utility, power and money, either the profiles are changed from high to low, in some rare cases the person is kicked out from the party.

  1. Hearing that we were doing a story on Terrorism (which is selling like hot cakes nowadays), many other important politicians contacted us, here is a compilation of what they have to say:

    1. We promise to disrespect the country.

    1. We promise to disrespect its martyrs and true leaders.

    1. We promise to disrespect its people as and when possible, in as many ways possible.

    1. We promise to create hullabaloo during election days and first few days of any crisis, rest of the days we will do what we are best at doing. (details of this work have to be filled by the reader!)

So friends this is a small compilation of our political parties’ stand on our war on terror where we are not united against terror but UNITED FOR TERROR, take it in writing the next attack is very near.



[Influenced by successive statements of politicians: Vilasrao Deshmukh, R.R. Patil, V.S. Achutyanandan, Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi, A.R. Antulay, Jaswant Singh, Digvijay Singh, and others.]

YOU MUST READ THIS: Was a long and dark December. . .

Was a long and dark December
From the rooftops I remember
There was snow
White snow

Clearly I remember
From the windows they were watching
While we froze down below

When the future's architectured
By a carnival of idiots on show
You'd better lie low

If you love me
Won't you let me know?

Was a long and dark December
When the banks became cathedrals
And the fog
Became God

Priests clutched onto bibles
And went out to fit their rifles
And the cross was held aloft

Bury me in honor
When I'm dead and hit the ground
A love back home unfolds

If you love me
Won't you let me know?

I don't want to be a soldier
With the captain of some sinking ship
With snow, far below

So if you love me
Why'd you let me go?

I took my love down to violet hill
There we sat in snow
All that time she was silent still

So if you love me
Won't you let me know?

If you love me,
Won't you let me know?

Friday, December 19, 2008

Ready to JUMP?

[a little explanation of the title: I saw this photo and the question that came to my mind was Are they standing at gates so that they can jump out. ]

Well from past two days Indian railways has clouded my thinking I want to get over it so I am writing this.

The news of paper leak didn’t shock me that much as we have seen papers of CAT, IAS, PSC leak all over the country in the past decade or so, this is just a small paper. But then the light in my mind lit, the exam was for assistant loco pilot( don’t know what’s that it is Assistant ENGINE DRIVER), a chill went down my spine. Now my mind raced, here are some questions I asked to myself:

  1. This is just one case, the person (culprit) might be involved in many other paper leaks and many would be serving in the railways already, what about that?

  1. Can we rely on railways and its employees for a safe journey, what’s the guarantee that a ‘leaked-paper’ selected loco-driver will not misread a signal?

  1. If the questions in the exam are testing general awareness and mental ability and have no connection to the job why even bother for an exam, recruit on a draw of lots with eligibility criteria of board exam results/ degree results.

  1. Why every big leader from Bihar wants to keep Railway Ministry, is it because most people who appear in these exams are from Bihar and UP, with a large scale recruitment racket charging 2-4 lakhs from each candidate operating, this is a very lucrative business, and it is important to keep it under wraps.

  1. Shouldn’t the Railway Minister be charged with homicide the next time a train accident happens?

  1. The Indian Railways carry daily crores of passengers, is it not God’s grace that no major accidents have taken place on large numbers?